The emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is the gentlest and most effective tool for your dog´s dental care. Prevents tartar and inflammation of the gums when used regularly. Over 80% of dogs over the age of three have active dental disease which is an avoidable and often painful condition. Regular cleaning is the most important measure in the fight against dental decay.  Ultrasound (air waves – air oscillations) perform the cleaning so brushing is not necessary.  Ultrasound cleans more effectively than regular brushing, destroying bacteria even in gum pockets.

When using the Emmi-pet ultrasound toothbrush at Underdog Pets, each dog has their own personal toothbrush head and they are brushed with specially formulated ultrasound toothpaste to reach deep below the gum line to kill germs and bacteria  to prevent the build up of plaque and tartar.

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Emmi Pet FAQ's

How long does it take?

The first consultation lasts 30-45 minutes  and subsequent visits are 30 minutes

How much does it cost per session?

  • Consultation and assessment. Not every dog is suitable for teeth cleaning, some will just not tolerate it. If we can't get the full clean done due to issues with the dogs teeth or they are showing signs of stress the charge is just £20.
  • The initial session is £45 which includes the toothbrush head. 
  • £20 per session after initial visit 
  • or £190 for 10 block sessions. Save £35 with block bookings

How do I get my dogs used to teeth brushing with ultrasonic brush?

Slowly! It's better to start on the outside first by massaging the inside and outside of your four-legged friend's mouth. Each session must of course be followed by a great treat that makes the procedure worthwhile. You can then gradually move the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush along the body and stroke it so that your dog doesn't feel threatened.

Why do it rather than go to VET? Regular teeth cleaning is recommended by veterinarians. A tooth extraction and clean at the vets will typically cost around £600+. Getting your dog’s teeth cleaned regularly will avoid costly vet’s bills in the future without any need for sedation.It is the least stressful solution and is a real alternative to conventional and mechanical tooth cleaning methods - give it a try! 

Neglecting your dog’s dental health can have other serious health implications, as bacteria from a dental infection can result in other organs being compromised, including the heart valves and kidneys.

Benefits: No Vibration, Cleans Without Brushing, Completely Silent. Over 80% of dogs over the age of three have active dental disease which is an avoidable and often painful condition. The emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is the gentlest and most effective tool for your dog´s dental care. Prevents tartar and inflammation of the gums when used regularly. Ideal for large and small dogs.

How will brushes be stored?

Each pet will have its own tooth brush head that will not be used on another dog. The initial tooth brush head will be supplied as part of your initial consultation and it will need be replaced after approx. 25 treatments or sooner if required. Some pets may chew the brush head, if this is excessive it may need replacing sooner to maintain effectiveness. Brush heads will require replacing after 1 year regardless of number of times they have been used. Toothbrush heads cost £10 each to replace.

How often should they get it done? 

The more often the better it is for your dog’s dental health. Once a month is recommended but many dogs get it during their grooming appointment at 6 week intervals because even having your dog’s teeth treated when they come in for grooming will be beneficial, as the ultrasound waves kill bacteria right under the gum line and will help to keep your dog’s teeth healthy and consequently improve their overall health.  If you notice a build up of plaque, you can book a course of sessions to get back on track.

What age should my dog start teeth cleaning? 

Puppy teeth will begin to fall out when the puppy is between 4 and 6 months old. Timing varies by breed; some smaller breeds tend to hold on to their baby teeth longer. But once most dogs are 7 to 8 months old they will have traded their first set of chompers for a set of 42 permanent adult teeth. 

It is estimated that by the time they are 2 years old, 80% of dogs begin to show signs of oral disease.

By using ultrasound tooth cleaning as part of a regularly scheduled routine, you can avoid taking your pet to the vet for a professional cleaning, which can only be achieved with full anaesthesia.




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